19 June 2007

Tag, I'm it.....

I am excited... Never been tagged for a Meme before; however, Sara Sue deflowered" me today...

So without further adieu, here are 6 weird things I do getting ready for sleep or while sleeping...

1. I smoke one last cigarette. I know, I need to quit. I will once I finally get the script for Chantix filled.
2. I make sure the kitty is in the room with me.
3. I strip off the bottoms of my pj's that I have been bumming around in. Can't sleep with 'em on because they get all tangled.
4. I notoriously wake up a good 5-10 times a night. I know because I make a mark on a piece of paper for each time I do. I know I am weird. Get over it, you are not sleeping next time me like the German and the kitty.
5. My pillow always has to be cool. I sleep with two pillows just for me so I can alternate.
6. I set my alarm for 45 minutes before I have to get up so I can hit snooze 4 or 5 times. The German wonders why I just don't sleep for 45 more minutes uninterrupted; however, this is what works for me.

Bonus: I keep a bottle of water nearby so I can sip on it through the night...

So I am tagging Ron and Lynnster and Gingersnaps.


Anonymous said...

Ohh man, I got tagged. Now I have to think up clean answers for the things I do before going to bed.

Sara Sue said...

Nicely done! That wasn't so bad, was it? 10 times a night?? DANG!

Kristina and Ingo said...

Wasn't bad at all... I am actually tickled that I was called upon.

Yes, I can not sleep. It sucks and annoys not only the German but the kitty.

GingerSnaps said...

ooooh, I got tagged...I'll have to think on this, too. :)